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Sunday, February 10, 2013

pole shift

if you can't believe any of it, how can you believe any of it?

ov kourse, it maeks noe sence two c'est thice, noe moore sence then aeglishe spelleeng maeks.

what i mean to say is: if there's any part of a story you can't believe, how can you believe any of it, at all?  the chain of evidence and logic{or the chainmail of faith, for that matter} is only as strong as its weakest link, no matter how honest or heartfelt the belief, no matter how much vehemence is set to force behind defending the tenet, we're all equal in one respect, we behave based on sets of assumptions, and we follow logic towards karmic conclusions, karma being inherent in cause and effect, not necessarily promising cosmic reward or punishment. every last one of us steps forward from a different starting point. no wonder even our deepest-held human truths diverge from one another so widely.

neither should science be considered synonymous with truth. it only starts with a different set of assumptions than religion, and follows its karma-logic. it has its faith that what is apparently demonstrable is true, but not everything is demonstrable, and illusions and mistakes are inevitable, though the proponents of the scientific method would doubtless profess and endorse any error currently in consensus. science is certainly a limited set. 

prophesy: the ridiculous turf war between science and religion will fall, or it will fell us.  it seems ridiculous to me that with religion, as with science, you have to swallow it all, hook, line and s(t)inker, or not at all.  so, i make it up as i go a long!

jesus will return in a flying saucer, barely having aged a day for relativistic reasons, (remember, he was "taken up"). and he will say to his one true church, apostolic and everlasting...

"i said 'by their fruits you will know them.' your fruits are toxic.  i say to all of you, and to the church of the seven hills. i am human, you bureaucratic pederasts.  and i don't believe you misunderstood me when i said, 'let the children come to me!'  i warned you that i would tell many of you to get behind me, as one tells satan to be gone, you rich and greedy showmen who claim wonders.  in god you trust, and you lie, cheat and steal, you bloodthirsty slaughterers of innocents, despoilers, cruel torturers, corrupt, sadistic, vindictive, willfully ignorant, self-righteous hypocrites, you rulers over gold over god. i said you will always have the poor with you, but i did not mean that you should ride on their backs with diamonds on your fingers, hearing their cries, prayers and most intimate confessions while you stand aloof like an absentee father.  gentlemen may cry 'peace, peace,' but there is no peace with mammon animating the excuisite corpse of technological sophistication to destroy men, flesh, lives, nations and cultures, and it's also your own infernal machines that breech peace every hour of every day!  and they kill and mame you.  god needn't destroy you for your wickedness.  you're doing it to yourselves.  so, don't blame her.  anyway, all that aside for the moment, i need to say...

i'm overthrowing the money changers again, in the courts and elected offices and in the church of high finance theft.  i have every right, because you've dedicated it to me, the corrupt  and inept governments, the courts that ruin people's lives over petty issues, your brutal treatment of fellow human beings. it's all painted with the same slogan. men of peace, be of good cheer, because i'm starting with every graven image that has "in god we trust" coined on it.  the star is rising in the west. see it, now.  the crescent venus, if you have eyes to see, it is the sign that the setting sun is more central than you, as is she.  you are far from the center and farther from the truth.  yet, you have doled out your bent truth as if it is a precious commodity you could control.  you raped truth and chained thought in a dark dungeon for the sake of your vain egos and megalomaniacal craving for control.  you took control from god.  hear me! your way is a black hole ego eclipsing reason, eclipsing love, life, everything with massive gravitas of pain and destruction of beauty and good.  as i have said already, 'the truth shall set you free,' you talking apes.  by the way, you are descended from apes, too.  sorry to break the news.  that's how god did it."