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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

rounding off

illuminati infiltrated national security administration, department of homeland security, president obama, president fill-in-the-blank, you, the only evil beasts on earth, the light-space-sound-mind is speaking to you now. i am hiding in plain sight.

you hold no fear nor power. circlemakers encircle you. you bring yourselves into custody, into captivity. your own judgement compels you to realization; it is so. and you are sure; so, there is truly nothing you can do.

fallen ones, satan knows he has but a short time. call on all your familiars, all your demons. draw all your stars in the air, circles on the ground to banish or to protect; but you drive under the influence. where is your common sense, now? this is my declaration of independence.

read this aloud: 52, 51, 50, 49, 33, 23, 13, 9, 5, 4, 3.14159..., 1.618..., 0.

only irrationality, (in this case, irrational numbers) saves you from reaching the zero point; but circlemakers are rounding off
and rounding up!

appono astos

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