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Monday, June 25, 2012

love unknown

this is one for you;
you know who you are.

no, really,

you do.

that brief moment,
when you were in the womb.

you were you,
and yet,
not you.

it's ok.

you will be
you again.

and not.

it's ok.

Monday, June 18, 2012

beauty way

beauty is now,
where truth and pleasure meet,
in the present.
where we experience.

it's forgivable
if you believe so,
but mind needn't reflect any fixed entity,
conscious or not,
outside itself.

dreams decieve us;
more accurately,
we decieve ourselves
with them.

it's forgivable.
dream on!

beauty is now,
where truth and pleasure meet,
in the present.
where we live
and dream.

and dream
shapes the entity,
conscious or not,
outside us.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

conscious evolution

here are a few shots from a night visit to my organic/permaculture garden... i wore a miners lamp strapped to my forehead to illuminate. i liked some of the lighting effects. ironically, pictures of the volunteers, (weeds is not a term i use) the 8 ft tall sunflowers turned out best. i say 8 ft tall, but i mean 8 ft long. because they're laying down, laid down by their own overgrown weight... and the flowers just keep rising heavenward. trying to get infinitesimally closer to the Source.

this is a close up is a flower that reverted to a previous form, one with a big head and few flowers. i bought the hybrid seeds years ago. but because it was a hybrid, the offspring have not been so big headed (not that they are conceited, though they kind of deserve to be, i think). until now! i'm going to save the seeds of the beautiful thing. it just so happened that the flower also came out very short, which makes for good efficiency of space and resources. i'm saving these volunteers because the bunch of them came up together in a tight patch, like nowhere else, and never before. it felt like they were communicating with me (ok, maybe that sound crazy, but hear me out).

maybe they know me. i've been touching them for years. could they learn my smell? act to get my attention? it would certainly be an evolutionarily advantage to be able to act this way. here's how they benefit. i feed them to birds, which they're made for. they make a mess (not to put too fine a point on it) the seed falls and sprouts. they get lots of success this way. also, i'll take care of them and perpetuate them. the sunflowers win. i win. the birds win. the cat wins because she gets the birds. the hawks win. the doves are fat, slow nourishment.

i'll grow seeds for the birds i've been feeding for years. i believe it gets them to know and trust me enough so i can ask them to leave much of my garden alone. it gives them a great source of food. so, they're not so hungry, and most of them would prefer to go to the sunflower seeds, first. maybe it seems like reverse logic.

here's a story. we have a black cat that lives in the backyard. the jay was making these complaining sounds, commenting on the cat, who was on my lap. and, i wondered if there was something else involved. another shows up. he looks straight at me.

"oh, hi." and i realize it's the male. he's following up with her, whom he hears complaining. and he doesn't like to hear it. "what's up with her?" i ask. he looks me in the eye, and he makes the same motion he makes when cracking open sunflower seeds, tapping the branch under his toes, as if there's a nut there. but there isn't, and i know it. we were out of sunflower seeds! i hadn't replenished his supply, and he wanted his family fed. and on top of that, i had that darned cat on my lap! why does my friend sit with my enemy!? ok, i think nonchalantly. how should one respond? well i thought simply would best. "that'll do," i thought. and that must be rewarded for its value. he communicated with me. that required that he take me into his confidence and give me enough credit to think i'll understand and grant his wish. easy money. well, let's think about it...

over generations, we could evolve this communication in amazing ways by using behavioral methods, positive reinforcement. in time, they learn, and we tell them to leave our gardens alone, and they'll get the sunflower seed. it would be conscious evolution. symbiosis. raise birds to go out and educate other birds. teach them about ourselves and become trusted as good stewards again! by them, and by the Earth, herself!

incidentally, i have anecdotal evidence that the fear response of animals to humans is learned, not instinct. everyone knows that if you raise an animal from the egg, or whatever, they imprint and bond with you. give them food! that's obvious. but i have another story.

a mockingbird, a youngster who can fly but is standing on the ground. s/he's about a 2 ft away from me. "aren't you afraid of me?" i ask. he just looks back. not a prob, bob. "awesome!" i think. "man, that's cool." i can see from his movements (they seem to have a kind of naive inexperience, a new-to-his-body-and-the-world quality to them) that s/he's a juvenile. then, the adult busts in on the party. she chides him with a buzzing, harsh tone they both clearly understand that he had better not trust the human - none of them. he flys away. lesson learned. fear perpetuated.

of course, it's also conscious evolution. we can play that game. we're smart enough for that, aren't we!? aren't we!?


here's a pic of me, just for giggles...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

now here nowhere

no love lost,
i've nowhere to be
but in beauty.

without a host,
no/one shares my company
but i'm so free.

i laugh with the ghost
and invite the light
to stay the night.


it is so

it is so

to say.

so, i struggle

and struggle,
so little time
to know,
less to convey.

and how
can all
this time
to nought,

as if
we have
but time

no hope
and no

look into
your future.

see your
own face

as it was,

and father
were born.

your eyes
on venus.

one, left
by sarva david

Friday, June 8, 2012

dancing rabbit

thanks for what you do.

this, my dancing rabbit is a distant, different drummer
with whom you may dance;
to his tune,
if you wish.

hear the thump thump
like a heartbeat
through the ground,
through the earth,
through the sky.

we hear your dance.
little rabbit!
thumpity thump away.
little rabbit,
greet the sunflowers on the brand new day.
where the honey bees nectar-drunken, sway.

the male awakes to
the female flowers sweet,
the fruit
to eat.

eat it
makes us

a beauty way!
little rabbit.

happy dance
a beauty way!
and as you dance,
we'll also play.



Thursday, June 7, 2012

time lag

one wonder and a window on the world, we wind away.  our way is waste we allow.  left straight back, we take a mistake for a right turn to make. 

truth does not deem.  as love fails, life falls.  day is down, evening lower.  we work full-time, as if to interrogate space, prosecute and execute the perverse universe. 

this is the close, as high time surely shows.  this the end, is late for a mend. 
one last point to add... so sorry, so sad,
though there is a time lag, the cat's out of the bag.


Friday, June 1, 2012

opal sea

an abstraction: this reitterates all of the above (all of the above, what an awesome phrase that is, macrocosmically speaking) in another language, poetry, which can be almost anything...

opal sea,
and she,
the feline,
sees sure the chi line
of the shaolin shoreline.
what is friendship?
and what does it mean to the mulitiverse,
that which we are, and are not?

or not.

befreind the multiverse to know yourself. you cannot define yourself without defining the whole multiverse; which thing cannot be done... and yet we are a part of it, but also apart from it.

what's up with that?
up with that.

up is not exactly the same for any two of us
on a gravitational sphere.
if you catch my drift. you dig?

up is meaningless without gravity

stay, night.
the breeze is set alight
by the moonlight.

with three eyes.

the trees
in the skies.