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Friday, June 1, 2012

opal sea

an abstraction: this reitterates all of the above (all of the above, what an awesome phrase that is, macrocosmically speaking) in another language, poetry, which can be almost anything...

opal sea,
and she,
the feline,
sees sure the chi line
of the shaolin shoreline.
what is friendship?
and what does it mean to the mulitiverse,
that which we are, and are not?

or not.

befreind the multiverse to know yourself. you cannot define yourself without defining the whole multiverse; which thing cannot be done... and yet we are a part of it, but also apart from it.

what's up with that?
up with that.

up is not exactly the same for any two of us
on a gravitational sphere.
if you catch my drift. you dig?

up is meaningless without gravity

stay, night.
the breeze is set alight
by the moonlight.

with three eyes.

the trees
in the skies.

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