you may fear to do so, but i ask you: think of the most horrendous people that have done the most heinous things, jeffrey dahmer, ariel castro or george bush , just the worst type of psychopaths, criminally insane and sorely lacking in conscience. disclose their sociopathic egos and uncover their sick minds just long enough to opine about how they thought about what they did. jeffery dahmer and ariel castro obviously had an insatiable will to control, to satisfy themselves without threat to their own demented egos. they also had to have the ability to to convince themselves they could get away with the most reprehensible acts imaginable, regardless of getting caught, karma free.
for george bush, the same evil will to control presides, the same demented ego and criminal insanity. for george bu(ll)sh(it), however, they are empowered by run-away ambition, fueled by daddy's crude oily money, but most importantly, it's all accompanied by a perfect comically inadequate mental capasity that comes from being shielded from the reality of consequences for your own actions and a cartoon-like sensibility of god that doesn't allow him to realise that he cannot do the impossible, nor that god is destroying him by indulging him. i imagine he glorifies himself to believe he is the latest and greatest antichrist doing his father's will to usher in the apocalypse. he probably considers it faith. and it may be, but it is bad faith, returning void. he is sure god approves of his cockamamie illuminati scheme! but truly, he only believes in himself.
in any case, imperfect and unscientific as my analysis is, we know that because these monsters believe in themselves, they can do the most horrific things, and they fear no consequence in return for the evil they do because they live in bad faith. it is a defect in the conscience and imagination if not the soul. i assume you have no such defect. so, imagine turning the tenacious evil mindset to the good.
look at the dark side to see how ruthless evil people are and how effective their cunning deceit and relentless will to power can be. though they have no idea what opposes them, they are opposed. and their opposition will defeat them. shock and awe?! shakti and awesome!!!
turn discompasionate persistence and ambition to the good. be peaceful but venomously cunning in your carefully planned destruction of evil. be precisely directed in your actions. avoid the fight but win the battle and the war! strategically break the rules. they have already done it. they have already broken faith. so, break the rules to break the stalemate. more importantly...
the light is being lost,
and it must be saved.
appono astos.
there is only one revolution,
and it is revolving now.
occupy everything!
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